Hamilton County Alert

As of October 21, 2024, Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency has adopted a new Alert HC logo that corresponds to the new Hamilton County logo that was announced a few weeks back. They are currently updating the Alert HC account graphics in Rave to reflect the new logo, as well as updating their social media and other graphics.
The Ohio Checkbook
The Ohio Checkbook serves as the singular and most trusted resource for Ohioans to obtain local and state financial information. In November 2019, the Ohio Checkbook became a collective result of Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Treasure Robert Sprague unveiling a joint initiative aimed at enhancing government transparency by providing Ohioans real-time financial and transactional data.
The Ohio Checkbook is the result of this effort bringing together features from two first-of-their-kind – the Ohiocheckbook.com and Ohio’s Interactive Budget. Upon its launch in 2014, OhioCheckbook.com set a new national standard for transparency in government and was recognized three times by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group as being ranked number one in transparency for providing online access to government spending data. In six years, more than 1,150 local government entities around Ohio partnered with the Treasurer’s office to make financial data available through the website.
Ohio’s Interactive Budget was launched in 2016, by the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM), as a first of its kind comprehensive open checkbook that enabled users to see not only how state money is spent, but also how revenue is generated and allocated via the state budget. The Ohio Interactive Budget site was an extension of the state accounting system that provided the public access to the financial and transactional data maintained in the state’s accounting system.
Each site’s functionality and purpose has been preserved in the new Ohio Checkbook site, which merged the cutting-edge features of OhioCheckbook.com and Ohio’s Interactive Budget, placing them under one roof.
Please visit https://OhioCheckbook.gov/Villages/Village-of-Lockland to obtain Lockland’s financial information.
If you have questions about Checkbook.Ohio.Gov, please email [email protected] .
Natural Gas Aggregation Program
Energy Alliances is the provider of natural gas in our aggregation program. You may use this information to access details of the program and enroll or opt out of the offer.
On November 4, 2008, Village of Lockland residents voted to approve an opt-out natural gas aggregation program for eligible Village residents and small businesses. After adopting a Plan of Operation and Governance for the program, the Village entered into an agreement with Energy Alliances, Inc. to provide consulting services for obtaining the natural gas supply for this program. Specific information for this program follows:
• Supplier: AEP Energy
• Rate: $$0.5894 per ccf
• Term: Through October 2025
• Your local utility, Duke Energy – Ohio, will continue to deliver your natural gas and maintain the gas lines and respond to emergencies.
• You can enroll in the program at any time by calling the Toll Free Number below!
• You can cancel your participation in the program at any time without incurring a cancellation fee!
To enroll in the program or to cancel your participation in the program, or for answers to questions not found her please call the program supplier
Energy Alliances, Inc. at 513-794-5555 or visit their website at: https://energyalliances.com/village-of-lockland
Electric Aggregation Program
• Supplier: Energy Harbor
• Rate: 7.22 cents per kWh
• Term: Through August 2025
In November 2009, Village of Lockland voters approved an opt-out electric aggregation giving Village Council the authority to negotiate the most favorable electricity supply rate and terms for you. We are very proud to have been chosen to serve you!
There is no cost to enroll. Enrollment is automatic for those who are eligible, but participation is voluntary. You may opt-out of this program without penalty at any time for any reason by providing notice to Energy Harbor. If you choose to opt-out, you will be served by the standard service offer of Duke (the “Utility”) or until you choose an alternative supplier of electric service. If you switch back to the Utility, you may not be served under the same rates, terms, and conditions that apply to other customers served by the Utility.
Here’s What You Can Expect
• The program is simple! You’re automatically enrolled and there’s no enrollment, switching or early termination fee.
• You’ll receive a fixed rate of 7.22 cents per kWh through your August 2025 meter read.
• Nothing will change! Continue to receive one monthly bill from your local utility, Duke Energy. You’ll notice that Energy Harbor will now show as a line item for the supply portion on your bill.
• Duke Energy will send you a confirmation letter after your enrollment is finalized.
Don’t want to participate?
Just complete and return the reply card below or call Energy Harbor at 1-866-636-3749 by July 13, 2023. If you choose to opt out of the program at this time, or if you choose to leave the program at a later date, you will be served by Duke Energy under its standard service offer or until you choose an alternative supplier of electric service. If you switch back to your utility, you may not be served under the same rates, terms, and conditions that apply to other customers served by your utility.
To learn more about the program, please see the enclosed terms and conditions or visit energyharbor.com/opt-out
Metropolitan Sewer District CAP Program
The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD) offers a Customer Assistance
Program (CAP) to help low-income senior citizens pay their sewer bills. If you meet the
MSD CAP eligibility requirements, you will receive a 25% discount on your monthly sewer
charges. The estimated annual savings for a MSD senior customer is $120 (or more) per
year. Eligibility is based on age, income, and property ownership.
3 Easy Steps to Apply
1. Complete Application
2. Attach Documents
3. Submit to MSD
If you meet the MSD CAP eligibility requirements, you will receive a 25% discount on your monthly sewer
charges. Following approval, your 25% discount will be applied to the sewer charges beginning on the
next full billing cycle.
To be eligible for the MSD CAP you must:
• Be 65 years of age or older.
• Have an Ohio Adjusted Gross Income (OAGI) of no more than $38,600 for 2023. The income limit
applies to the combined income of you and your spouse.
• Own and live in the residence for which you are paying the MSD sewer bill.
Documentation Required
Documentation is required to be submitted with the application.
• Proof of Age
• Proof of Income
Annual Renewal
MSD will notify you each year when it is time to renew your enrollment in the customer assistance program.
Hamilton County Battery Disposal Program
Hamilton County is currently running a program to help residents properly dispose of batteries for more information please visit their website.
Lockland Diverted 154.84 Tons in 2023
Congratulations Lockland residents! In 2023, we diverted 154.84 tons of metal, glass, plastic, and paper. Residents saved resources, conserved energy, and reduced pollution by recycling.
The recycling efforts in Lockland:
• Conserved enough energy to power every home in Lockland for 3 days.
• Reduced more air pollution than if every household in Lockland rode their bicycle to work for 3 weeks.
• Saved 761 trees from being harvested
Want to start recycling? Call 1-800-828-8171 to request your recycling cart today. Curbside recycling is available, please use the red bins provided by Rumpke, larger bins are available upon request. Alternatively, you may bring in recyclables to drop-offs at the Village parking lot on North Cooper Ave.
Have a question about recycling? Call Hamilton County’s Recycling Hotline at 946-7766 or visit https://hamiltoncountyr3source.org/. Love all things recycling? Follow Hamilton County Recycles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.
Because what we do matters.
A Book About Lockand’s History
Lockland Ohio “A Thousand Memories In A Mile” By John Wesley Campbell
Available for Purchase!
The book may be purchased by mail (check or money order) for the grand total of $47.95 per copy (this includes postage) and payment may be sent to:
John Campbell
Box 176
Overpeck, Ohio 45055-0176
Please be sure to clearly include your complete name and mailing address with your order!
If you prefer to use a credit card or bank account, payment made be made using Paypal.com. When directed to enter the recipients email address please use: [email protected] followed by the amount ($47.95) and indicate that it is for “Goods or Services, there is no fee for you to use this service.
Hamilton County Head Start Program
Hamilton County Head Start is is now enrolling 3-4 year olds for their preschool program. For additional information please visit http://hcescheadstart.org/
Thru the Valley Project
Residents and businesses interested in staying informed about the possibility of Interstate 75 being widened and access/egress points improved, can now access updates on ODOT’s website.
The I-75 Thru the Valley project involves the widening and reconstruction of I-75 from SR 126/Ronald Reagan Cross County Highway to just south of I-275 in Cincinnati. The goals of this project are to improve safety and ease congestion on I-75, increase regional mobility, and provide transportation solutions that are compatible with local land use plans.